former Turnabout crowd there who make a ritual out of putting Virginia down however and whenever they can. Anyway, act as you see fit, I just thought you'd like to read his letter. Here 'tis.


April 7th, 1969

Dear Virginia,

Thank you for your letter of March 14, 1969.....

After having read your letter, I spoke to some 20 different Transvestites about you, and all of them agreed that you were of bad character, were very money hungry, and really did very little for the Transvestite. This is also the impression I received from reading your letter.

Before I continue any farther, I want you to know that I know you for what you are. NOT what you THINK you are. I am an honest and truthful person, who believes that in the long run, the TRUTH is always the winning factor. And I want to establish this, before I continue.

Are you cheap? You certainly give the impression that you are. Surely it is little expense to send a mention of what was written about me, in your small publication. You scream Non-Profit, but you continuously push back issues, and encourage people to buy your publications. Who are you trying to fool? Anyway, it all boils down to what is really obvious. You are in the business for what YOU can get out of it, and hide under the pretense of doing it for others.

Why, after 6 years of knowing that FEMALE MIMICS existed, that you now are seeking to advertise in it. Could it be you have finally realized the fact that Transvestites prefer to learn from established impersonators, rather than from their own. I have a mailing list of over 4000 Transvestites and impersonators who are potential buyers, and of the 100 letters I receive each week, only 2 mentioned you briefly. And one comment was to mention that a write-up of my handbook was in an issue of Transvestia. In my opinion, YOU have done very little to HELP the Transvestite. If after 10 years of publishing that book, it is unfortunate that it is not of better quality.